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Secondary Admissions

Please read below for some more information on how we accept pupil referrals. If you require a paper copy or more information on anything in this section please contact us.

Mid Essex Essex Co-Operative Academy accepts pupil referrals in the following way:

  • The Local Authority commissions us to provide education for all pupils who are permanently excluded from their mainstream school.

  • The Local Authority commissions us to provide education for pupils who have a medical referral demonstrating that they are not fit to attend their mainstream school.

  • Schools in Mid Essex can request a placement for pupils. In this case the school representative attends an admissions meeting to discuss an appropriate placement at MECA.


Young people who arrive from out of area may also attend as the result of a Local Authority request for a short term or longer term placement, until a permanent school placement has been secured.

Our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 152

Schools can make referrals to MECA via The Education Access Team at Essex County Council.


Please find the link here


If you have an queries, please contact Nicola Window - 01206 852156 ext 101 email

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