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Design Technology

Key Stage 3

Our KS3 curriculum is designed to provide a range of topics within design and technology which focuses on material outcome or skill. Our half termly themes are Sculpture, Woodwork, Metalwork, Plastics, Mark Making and Textiles and Electronics. 


Pupils can choose which projects they select from a range of 3, aimed at years 7, 8 and 9. Due to the nature of how students come to us and how much school they may have missed, it allows them to scaffold up to a higher ability project or work towards a project that they feel more comfortable attaining.


Pupils experience a range of skills within these themed areas that encompass most areas of design including design strategies, presentation skills, research and annotation, using mixed media etc. The mediums are different for each project within the theme set and students that stay with us through the year into the next have opportunities to try the next project or work towards mastering an already visited skill.


By the end of KS3 students should have a wider understanding of how to express their ideas using a range of media and techniques. They will be able to apply the knowledge learned here to the 3D Design course offered at GCSE level.

Banners Made of CNC
Sewing Machine

Key Stage 4

At KS4 we run a course in 3D design with AQA. The course can include more historical themes of Design and Technology such as furniture making, electronics, engineering etc however it also allows students to have a wider choice in what materials and techniques to work with. 


The variety of the course can enable pupils to focus on the following areas:


  • Design for Film and Theatre

  • Sculpture

  • Product Design

  • Architecture

  • Digital Design

  • Jewellery and Body Adornment

  • Interior design.


The premise of the course is to see how pupils can explore and refine ideas, which allows for a more hands-on, practical learning experience as well as providing a wider range of freedoms in what they can choose to make. The pupils create a main portfolio across year 10 into year 11, a shorter skills project and although there is an exam, we run the preparation period for this from January in year 11 until April when they will make what they have planned for in their portfolio. The students will complete a practical exam based on this portfolio across an allocated selection of days. Pupils have up to 10 hours to complete their final outcome.


The assessment objectives are the same for Component 1 (Portfolio and Further Skills work) and Component 2 (Exam prep portfolio and Exam Outcome):


AO1: Developing ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.


AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.


AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.


AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.


Pupils learn skills that will enable them to move on to any creative field in industry, including:


- Graphic Design

- Interior Design

- Product Design

- Construction

- Trade (electrician/plumber)

- Jewellery Designer

- Designer for film, television, gaming

- CAD designer

- Architect

- Carpenter

- Design Engineer


More details on the AQA 3D Design course can be found by searching for 'AQA Art and Design GCSE 3D Design' on the AQA website.

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